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Owning a Business and Managing ADD

Owning a business and managing ADD

Running a business and keeping it organized and structured can be difficult when you feel that you are being pulled in multiple directions with way too many items on your To Do List. Meeting deadlines can seem impossible and the number of missed opportunities can end your business.

It is easy to become overwhelmed with numerous unfinished projects, lack of the ability to pay attention and the inability to stay organized.

Managing your ADD Symptoms

Here are a few tips that can apply to your business and everyday life:

  • Organize your working area so that everything you use on a regular basis is visible and within reach.

  • Develop routines for repetitive tasks such as checking email, paying bills and writing articles or blogs.

  • Acquire a planning mindset by closing each day with a list of “To Do”s for the following day.

  • Use a planner and use it to excess, blocking off time for projects, recording future “due dates”, follow-ups, appointments, special events, family birthdays and even recording places you visit and people you meet.

  • Work in short periods of time – breaking longer tasks into “chunks.”

  • Use a timer if necessary putting simple and effective steps into place will help you stay focused and manage ADD.

  • If you need help trying to figure out how to organize your office, consider asking a friend, neighbor, co-worker or a Professional Organizer for help.

I you are needing hands-on help please

contact me to get started!

Kim's Organizing Solutions

Professional Organizer


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