5 Easy Steps to Clear Out Clutter
SPACE is the best system for decluttering and organizing.
These 5 steps are effective and have a nice follow-through.
1. Sort:
This is the first step to take when purging a super cluttered area such as a closet.
Find a staging area such as a bed, floor space, table, or spacious counter.
Get boxes or totes to sort.
Sort by putting like-items together such as all shoes, types of clothing, etc.
2. Purge:
Create a de-cluttering system in order to purge efficiently.
Gather boxes, garbage bags, or containers to create a purging system.
I love the Keep, Toss, and Donate methods. Gather boxes and bags to place items.
o Keep boxes
o Trash/ Recycle bags or boxes
o Donate bags or boxes
o Possible shred and sell boxes
Label the purged containers with trash, recycle, donate, sell, and shred.
Ask yourself these questions when purging:
o Do I need it?
o Do I love it?
o Do I use it?
o Is it worth fixing?
Find an area to put donated bags
Call donation pick-up
3. Assign a home:
Such as drawers, closets, file cabinets, folders, and shelf spaces.
Put things where you want them
Now decide the best way to contain them
You may need to measure space to get appropriate totes or organizers
4. Containerize:
Being able to find your things is important.
Purchase appropriate containers/organizers
Don’t have to be pretty but functional
Right shape and size are critical.
5. Equalize:
It’s the system you’ve established to keep your home in order.
Add an action item on your to-do list and take 15 minutes to purge and organize every day
Utilize the homes and containers you’ve created
Update files
Dispose of clutter/ mail.
Utilizing space is the optimal method for organizing and tidying up. These 5 steps are efficient and
carry through smoothly.
Professional Organizer