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5 Easy Steps to Clear Out Clutter

Teens sorting things for donations
Donating items to the needy

SPACE is the best system for decluttering and organizing.

These 5 steps are effective and have a nice follow-through.

1. Sort:

This is the first step to take when purging a super cluttered area such as a closet.

  • Find a staging area such as a bed, floor space, table, or spacious counter.

  • Get boxes or totes to sort.

  • Sort by putting like-items together such as all shoes, types of clothing, etc.

2. Purge:

Create a de-cluttering system in order to purge efficiently.

  • Gather boxes, garbage bags, or containers to create a purging system.

  • I love the Keep, Toss, and Donate methods. Gather boxes and bags to place items.

o Keep boxes

o Trash/ Recycle bags or boxes

o Donate bags or boxes

o Possible shred and sell boxes

  • Label the purged containers with trash, recycle, donate, sell, and shred.

  • Ask yourself these questions when purging:

o Do I need it?

o Do I love it?

o Do I use it?

o Is it worth fixing?

  • Find an area to put donated bags

  • Call donation pick-up

3. Assign a home:

Such as drawers, closets, file cabinets, folders, and shelf spaces.

  • Put things where you want them

  • Now decide the best way to contain them

  • You may need to measure space to get appropriate totes or organizers

4. Containerize:

Being able to find your things is important.

  • Purchase appropriate containers/organizers

  • Don’t have to be pretty but functional

  • Right shape and size are critical.

  • Label

5. Equalize:

It’s the system you’ve established to keep your home in order.

  • Add an action item on your to-do list and take 15 minutes to purge and organize every day

  • Utilize the homes and containers you’ve created

  • Update files

  • Dispose of clutter/ mail.

Utilizing space is the optimal method for organizing and tidying up. These 5 steps are efficient and

carry through smoothly.

Professional Organizer



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