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9 Top Organizing Products for any Space


As a Professional Organizer with over 10 years of experience, I have encountered all types of people and situations-from hoarders to minimalists.

Many people gather ideas from Pinterest which is a great resource to a point. I would agree that we all want our spaces to look nice and pretty just like the pictures. Pinterest is a great way to get ideas and be inspired but remember it's not your space.

I have used pretty and expensive bins such as Kon Mari products according to client’s wants and desires but to be honest with you I love using the Container Store's clear-handled containers. These bins are flexible, sturdy and very easy to clean. These are perfect for kitchen, bath, pantry, and even as drawer organizers as they come in 4 different sizes.

Here are a few drawbacks of pretty organizing bins:

· Expensive

· Heavy

· Non-functional

· Bulky

· Non-transparent

· Non-Stackable

Most people would never think about using clear bins because in their mind they are

not pretty and seem boring. But in reality they look very streamlined, utilize space efficiently, cost effective and visual appealing.

Shopping on-line or in-store can be very frustrating so I’m sharing pictures of a variety of clear containers that I use depending on the space and price point.

One of my most used, cost-efficient bins are The Container Store’s regular and men’s shoe boxes. They beat Dollar Store, Walmart, Target, Home Goods, and Home Depot’s shoe type boxes.


Perfect size for pantries, closets, certain drawers, garages, kitchens, etc.

Hold a variety of things such as food, crafts, batteries, toys, photos, crafts, etc.

Super cost-effective

Very durable

Crystal Clear





One of my favorites

Ideal for pantries

Nice handles to grab

Ideal for storing seasoning packages, bagged beans & rice


Handles make easy to move

Exceptionally clear

Store a variety of things


*More Expensive


Sleek looking with open top


Contains a variety of things

Different sizes

But non-stackable


Modular storage set

Variety of sizes

Stack securely to maximize space

Look modern with clean lines

*more expensive


Available in 2 sizes

Great for bathroom or kitchen drawers

Clear to find things easily


Sleek Multi-purpose bin



Reach-in access

Integrated handles


*More expensive


Highly visible


Stackable-shelf or floor

Space saving

Durable and strong


Provide air and watertight seal

Protect from moisture, dirt, and pests

Super strong latches

Are you are struggling with trying to get your spaces purged and streamlined with the right products? Give Kim's Organizing Solutions a call to set up a free phone

consultation to get you started :)

Kim Miller

Kim's Organizing Solutions


Don't Agonize Organize!

Images complimentary of Container Store


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